

Now, I'm sooo back. I haven't written anything bec I forgot my password. And that's the lamest thing that could ever happen. Btw, after my graduation, a lot of things happened. Besides, life must go on, parties, beaches and a lot more. Since college have started, I have found sA LOT new friends, my ETLOGS, arren laborte, tanya watson, kristine alag,KARLA MANUALES, john herbito, jeff hingo and remie bais. :) they're fun to be with, we laugh, we talk about almost everything, and yes, we usually get drunk. Sure, it's underage drinking but that's okay. A little dosage of "boracay" wouldn't hurt your system. Though a lot of things have changed. College will never be the same as with high school but some comparisons have to be considered. We grow up together with our friends in high school, while in college, people come and go. What only matters in high school is about getting your MIP's , SIP's and projects done to graduate, but in college, it's about doing hard for we are talking about our future. Sadly, high school has to be over. We find ourselves hanging out with new friends, watching movies with people we barely know. And spending quality time with people who have lived different lives.

Well, except for the fact that I have new friends that surrounds me, It's not really them that make me sooooo HAPPY rather, the sense that they are around me, because they want me. Not for what I have, but for who I really am. Thinking about that makes a smile on my face. :)

Now,I'm talking too much. I'm deeply sorry. I got carried away. Nothings wrong with that. :D Teehee. That's all for now. :)


D. :)

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